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Circuit Training 완결 

강사님 SeWoon Yoon
클래스 구성 Lesson 6
총 시간 약 분
12개월 할부시 월 원
로그인후 장바구니
로그인후 즉시구매

Class Introduction


Who is this class for?


Learn the benefits of circuit training and how to perform the exercises. You can customize your circuit training program to suit your target athlete. It’s a safe and effective way to train in a time-efficient way.


✅ I recommend it to these people

1. Current athletic team trainers who want to share ideas for circuit training.
2. College students who want to become athletic trainers and gain confidence in field organization and training.
3. It will be helpful for those who want to understand and organize field changes from theoretical circuit training.


✅ After you take a lecture, you will learn by:

1. Learn the benefits of circuit training and how to perform the exercises.
2. Customize a circuit training program to suit your target athlete.
3. Learn how to workout in a safe, effective and time-efficient way.


lecture composition 📚


Lecture 01 - Overview of Circuit Training

Lecture 02 - Theoretical Foundations of Circuit Training

Lecture 03 - Planning and Designing Circuit Training

Lecture 04 - Designing a Circuit Training Program

Lecture 05 - Effectiveness and Evaluation of Circuit Training




SeWoon Yoon

  • Current) Woori Card Woori WON Professional Volleyball Team Coach
  • Current) Suwon University Sports Science Master’s Graduate School Visiting Professor
  • Korea University Sports Council (KUSF) Athlete Trainer Course Instructor
  • Doctorate in Physical Education, Suwon University Graduate School
  • Master's degree in Health Management, Korea National Sport University Graduate School
  • Bachelor of Physical Education, Suwon University


lecture material