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Core Balance Training 완결 

강사님 SeWoon Yoon
클래스 구성 Lesson 5
총 시간 약 분
12개월 할부시 월 원
로그인후 장바구니
로그인후 즉시구매

Class Introduction


Who is this class for?


Corebalance training means training how to keep the core of your body - the abdominal, lower back, and hip muscles - in balance. Classes are organized around proprioception and breathing, understanding joint mobility and stability, and learning exercises to improve joint mobility and stability.


✅ I recommend it to these people

1. Trainers and strength coaches who want to find imbalances in their athletes and help them in a time-efficient way
2. People who want to improve their performance by improving their core balance
3. Athletes, trainers, and strength coaches who want to understand core balance, recognize that it leads to good movement and performance, and want to learn how to do it themselves.


✅ After you take a lecture, you will learn by:

1. Understand the importance of spinal alignment and the bracing breaths that create it.
2. Understand proprioception.
3. Understand the mobility and stability functions of each joint, how to measure them and how to improve them.
4. Create the ability to be flexible and skillful in any athletic situation.
5. Understand why Corebalance is important and how it can create a stable, effective posture and movement proficiency during exercise.


lecture composition 📚


Lecture 01 - Introduction Corebalance Training

Lecture 02 - Introduction to joint mobility and stability and corebalance mirroring exercises

Lecture 03 - Proprioceptive training

Lecture 04 - Posture-specific core activation training




SeWoon Yoon

  • Current) Woori Card Woori WON Professional Volleyball Team Coach
  • Current) Suwon University Sports Science Master’s Graduate School Visiting Professor
  • Korea University Sports Council (KUSF) Athlete Trainer Course Instructor
  • Doctorate in Physical Education, Suwon University Graduate School
  • Master's degree in Health Management, Korea National Sport University Graduate School
  • Bachelor of Physical Education, Suwon University


lecture material