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Muscle Nerve Stretching 완결 

강사님 Minkyu Kim
클래스 구성 Lesson 12
총 시간 약 분
12개월 할부시 월 원
로그인후 장바구니
로그인후 즉시구매

Class Introduction


Who is this class for?


R.O.M Joint range of motion from the sagittal, coronary, and transverse planes based on anatomical posture Introducing T.A.S. Targeted Active Stretching, which helps athletes prevent injuries and improve performance by activating muscles more efficiently and organically moving the muscular nervous system. T.A.S. Targeted Active Stretching, which is applied before competition and training in sports or in any environment, is designed to explain complex and difficult muscular neuroanatomy in an easy-to-understand detail and apply it to the field with easy-to-understand techniques by promoting the pairing relationship between the main and antagonist muscles of the joint muscles and stimulating the nerve root points.


✅ I recommend it to these people

1. After being exposed to functional anatomy, a trainer in the field of sports who is familiar with the theory but lacks clinical practical skills
2. A player who has not been able to perform well in the rehabilitation process due to an injury.
3. Field leader in record sports (athletics, swimming).


✅ After you take a lecture, you will learn by:

1. Learn targeted activation stretching, which is essential in the sports field but has not been tried before.
2. We will share the results of our 20 years of experience as a trainer.
3. Learn to get used to it through repetitive practice.


lecture composition 📚


Lecture 01 - Describe the anatomy of human muscle function in detail.

Lecture 02 - Check your body condition through a strength test.

Lecture 03 - Identify inactive muscles and explain the process of activation with targeted activation stretching.

Lecture 04 - We will explain how to strain (stretching + training) in an easy-to-understand manner.




Minkyu Kim

  • Former) Milan World Boxing Championships National Boxing Team Trainer
  • Former) Guangzhou Asian Games national track and field team trainer
  • Current) KUSF Runner Main Instructor
  • Bachelor's degree in Social Physical Education, Yonsei University
  • Korea Physical Fitness Coach Association Physical Coach Instructor Diploma
  • FISAF KOREA International Personal Trainer Completion
  • Magic Body Pilates instructor completion


lecture material